Montferrand Du Perigord Pt1
A collection paintings by Gippsland based artist, Garry Miles
Montferrand Du Perigord Part 1
The idea was to take in the landscape and let my natural style decipher the differences - Paint on the side of the road. Janis and Neil Palmer Pascoe invited me to their 13th century French stone house, where i worked some 20 miles around Montferrand-Beaumont area. My 'handwriting in paint' quoted from Fred Williams.
I use fits of movement for marks, slashes and daubs. I wear a brush out sideways with these instinctive movements. It could be called scrambling. The history, landscape buildings erected out of limestone and sandstone quarries. The society that has been gained by fighting... a huge history
I used a 400 gram hand made paper from Moulin de Larroque Paier a la main, 40 avenue de Cahors, 24150, Couze. It was a wonderful paper and the kind backing from Duncan and Prudence, Janice and Neil was very humbling